From my libertarian perspective, Conservatives have always been a tad frustrating, if not downright disappointing. As a group, they applaud and profess all the fine points of limited governance, speak highly of human rights, Liberty, Freedom and individual responsibility. When prompted, they will extol the virtues of the Bill of Rights - especially #s 1, 2, 9 and 10. However, the 4th and 5th are problematic. Generally, that's due to the fact their most recent hero, Pres. G.W. Bush, hatched the Patriot Act which decimates 4 and 5, doesn't treat 1 or 2 very well and has morphed into a colossus fit for a tyrant most anywhere in the world. Except here in the Land of the so-called Free. But the sticking point, regardless of logic, objectivity, historical precedent is always God. For a group so enthusiastic and yet sensitive about their religious beliefs, it would seem appropriate for the "separation of Church and State" rallying cry to apply equall...