
Showing posts from December, 2012

On guns

I've written all I can on guns. Like many issues, everything that is logical, coherent, objective and accurate has been said or written. Those who believe guns are evil and must be banned or, better yet, confiscated will always believe it no matter how much empirical evidence is amassed and presented. Only a personal traumatic experience has a chance a an epiphany. Even then.... When all has been said, proven and done and the facts still don't matter, still don't change minds, still don't forestall anti-Freedom, anti-Liberty, anti-Life legislation, we've arrived at that fork in the road,  that tipping point when past changes America forever. Or, at least until the next Revolution brought about by tyranny.  Assuming the Obama Administration, in concert with Congress, enact the "assault weapons" bill as envisioned by Ms. Feinstein, crunch time will have arrived. Pro, anti, apathetic, the unintended consequences will be visited upon one and all. As other ...

Not Newtown? Not News.

Did you hear or read about an incident in San Antonio, TX a few days ago? Unless you're a dedicated  News Junkie, probably not. Why? It had the stuff Big News Stories are made of that qualify for front page and prime time coverage.  You can read the story here. Was it the body count? (Not enough) Age of the victims? (Not "children") Or because it had a happy ending that contradicts the media narrative about guns? "Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun" -- one of the newer  pro-gun bumper stickers -- has bounced off the critical thinking of the MSM and gun control crowd. This story proves it's not a cliche.  Maybe that's why it wasn't the lead story all last week.That's managing news to support a political agenda. And it's wrong.

A picture worth 7 words


Prepare to get creamed

I have been a Jim Bovard fan since he first visited the show shortly after the publication of Lost Rights in the mid-90's. Then came "Freedom In Chains" and a shelf full of others: Feeling Your Pain, Terrorism and Tyranny, The Bush Betrayal, Attention Deficit Democracy and just out, Public Policy Hooligan, an E-book romp through Jim's......."formative years"! Always adding to his bona fides as a "bipartisan scourge", Jim blows the whistle on when and why you'll be paying out the udder for dairy products right after you finish off the egg nog -- in today's Wall Stree Journal. Check it out here.    

'Nuff Said


Borrowed from Gary Burns



 Following up on my LRC piece .... So why shouldn't teachers who are both willing and able be prohibited from carrying concealed? You may think it's a horrifying idea to arm teachers. Did you ever think to stop and ask why you believe that, and whether your viewpoint is rational -- or whether you're being manipulated by the media and politicians for their own ends at the expense of your children? Let's analyze this. Do you think it's wrong to have an armed guard in your bank? How about the guy delivering the money to your grocery store in the armored car? Should he have a gun? Does your local grocery store's cash drawer -- or that of your bank -- have a higher value than your child? If you believe that the armored car or bank should have someone carrying a gun to protect that cash drawer while your child's teacher should not, that is what you believe . How about the President? Should he have dozens of people all around him, every minute of t...

Tell me again... Diane Feinstein's wet dream legislation - or any other anti-gun laws - will deal with this  under-reported reality? Thought for the day: "There is innocent ignorance and there is invincible, dogmatic and self-righteous ignorance. Every tragic mass shooting seems to bring out examples of both among gun control advocates." Tom Sowell

Why do Freedom Lovers love LRC?

Because of the Take No Prisoners (or crap) approach to Freedom and Liberty.  As Lew tells it....

Thoughts, visions, cartoons...

Some impertinent observations on Newtown. And in case you haven't heard, click here for the latest on the Libertas Media Project

What can you say?

Another Christmas present from Congress . This should be part of the obit for our beloved two-party system of freedom-loving, Constitution-respecting congressmen and senators. But then there is this unexpected goodie  hiding under the tree - from the incomparable Claire Wolfe. If there is a better writer out there, I haven't discovered him/her yet.

Some GOOD News!


So what have I been up to?

Bodacious thanks to   Lew Rockwell  and  Tom Woods  for helping me raise the curtain on  The Next Big Thing!  Feel free to drop me a line if you'd like to get involved and  spread the word. It's a big project requiring many hands.

LOOK! Paul Harvey's back!!

Gun Control FACTS   Are you considering backing gun control laws? Do you think that because you may not own a gun, the rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment don't matter? CONSIDER; In 1929 the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, approximately 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915-1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill, and others, who were unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, wer...

Before Newtown....

...there were these stories. Before anti-gun hysteria completely engulfs the "national debate", this review  would be helpful and informative if not ignored and forgotten.  Feinstein, Schumer, Bloomberg and all demanding n ew "gun control" laws must demonstrate  unequivocally  how the Newtown tragedy would have been prevented had those new laws been in force. Ever notice how Politicians never explain how more laws will make criminals obey them?


AP Reporting Brilliance: "Among the questions : Why did his mother, a well-to-do suburban divorcee , keep a cache of high-power weapons in the house? What experience did Lanza have with those guns? And, above all, what set him on a path to go classroom-by-classroom, massacring 6- and 7-year-olds?" Some answers: "Why did his mother, a well-to-do suburban divorcee , keep a cache of high-power weapons in the house?" Other than add irrelevance to the ignorance, what possible difference could the answer make? Cache ? They were legally owned, legally purchased. What part of "reporting" is it to question the legal activities of an innocent citizen - other than, in this case, to further prejudice the alleged mind of another unthinking simpleton? What experience did Lanza have with those guns?  Stupid Question #2. What difference, what understanding, what relevance could the answer provide - unless the so-called reporter is looking for someone to blame...

And now, a message of comfort from our President...


Directions to the next Newtown

Let me tell you a story. The day after Columbine, I was interviewed for the Tom Brokaw news program. The reporter had been assigned a theory and was seeking sound bites to support it. "Wouldn't you say," she asked, "that killings like this are influenced by violent movies?" No, I said, I wouldn't say that. "But what about 'Basketball Diaries'?" she asked. "Doesn't that have a scene of a boy walking into a school with a machine gun?" The obscure 1995 Leonardo Di Caprio movie did indeed have a brief fantasy scene of that nature, I said, but the movie failed at the box office (it grossed only $2.5 million), and it's unlikely the Columbine killers saw it. The reporter looked disappointed, so I offered her my theory. "Events like this," I said, "if they are influenced by anything, are influenced by news programs like your own. When an unbalanced kid walks into a school and starts shooting, it becom...

On Newtown

You cannot stop Crazy. You cannot legislate a No Risk society. The only way to stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun.

Friday's Inconvenient Questions

What  if December 21 is just another day? What if it isnā€™t? Why are Republicans such political wimps? Where are the guts of the GOP? Who is the Republican version of Debbie Wasseman-Schultz? Chuck Schumer? Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi?  Could an atheist or agnostic become President? If you know something very wrong is happening in America, what are you doing to fix it? If youā€™re a Union member, how do you justify the violence of your Brothers in Michigan? What is your problem with Free Choice? (No ā€œtalking pointsā€ allowed) Do you say ā€œI thinkā€¦ā€ or  ā€œI feelā€¦.ā€? Why? Name your best unique, affordable, available Christmas present? (Key word: unique). Take your best shots in the Comments section!

Here's your Mayan Armageddon present!

OK - maybe I'm a tad early. But if you want to avoid the rush of all those "low information" skeptics poo-pooing next week's scheduled End of the World matinee, check  this list  right now, provided as a Public Service (in case the Mayans had some concept of Karma).

Unions: slugs and thugs

If it hasn't made it to your InBox,  see for yourself right here. For years, I talked about union slugs and thugs who ran Toledo into a slum, along with their bought-and-paid-for elected scum. The Stupid Paper was and is in bed with slug "leadership" and blind eye TV "News" depts. remain unable or just not interested in getting the stories. Michigan is telling it for them: This is what organized labor looks like. This is what Neanderthal thuggery looks like.This is what Freedom of Choice looks like just before you become a Right To Work state. Congrats Michigan! I didn't think ya had it in you!  Now Ohio businesses have lots of choices where to move! Kasich and the Ohio Republicans wouldn't have enough balls to do this if they owned a bowling alley.

For your viewing pleasure - maybe

Back from celebrating the youngest 2nd significant birthday. Will catch up with commentary soon -- but not now. In the meantime, please move to the edge of your seat for this  remarkable show.

OMG! Can you believe THIS?!?!?

Today's lead headline and story from AP: Poll shows support for raising taxes on the rich December 06, 2012 3:12 AM EST WASHINGTON (AP) ā€” Americans prefer letting tax cuts expire for the country's top earners, as President Barack Obama insists, while support has declined for cutting government services to curb budget deficits , an Associated Press-GfK poll shows. Fewer than half the Republicans polled favor continuing the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy. There's also a reluctance to trim Social Security, Medicare or defense programs, three of the biggest drivers of federal spending, the survey released Wednesday found. The results could strengthen Obama's hand in his fiscal cliff duel with Republicans, in which he wants to raise taxes on the rich and cut spending by less than the GOP wants. As Obama and Republicans joust over ways to avoid tumbling over the cliff when the new year begins, the poll offers scant evidence that the public is willin...

Tell me again

NOT this morning's lead story: WASHINGTON (AP) ā€” It was a sneak attack, but not by the enemy they feared. U.S. Army Capts. Joshua Lawrence and Drew Russell were inside a small command post on an Afghan army base, wrapping up a long day of coordinating the safe arrival of nearly 100 Afghan religious and tribal leaders for a peace conference at a nearby palace. Darkness had fallen. Some of their fellow soldiers had retired for the evening. Two stood guard. All seemed well. But as several soldiers sprawled on nearby cots, playing cards, the calm collapsed catastrophically at 9:27 p.m. An exploding grenade shattered the stillness, followed in seconds by bursts of gunfire. Before any of the Americans could raise a hand to defend themselves, Lawrence was dead from a bullet to the head, and Russell was dying, shot three times in the back. They were not killed by the Taliban, as the U.S.-led military coalition indicated the day after the Oct. 8, 2011, assault. Lawrence...

Monday Goody Basket

Alrighty then...who ordered the lobotomy? Thought For The Day:    "T here is no arguing with conjecture". Recent headlines: * In attempt to recover $2 billion loss, JP Morgan Chase renames itself Chasebook   *  Elizabeth Warren claims kinship to Sitting Bull; receives Indian name Lying Cow *WH news briefing cut short after Jay Carney's pants spontaneously combust From the High Tech Toy Dept., , something new and (potentially) useful - IF used properly. (NB: The Big IF) Are you a golpher? Do you understand Obamanomics? Wanna see how Obamanomics works when  applied to your next round?  h/t MP Regarding our current financial  situation... Hereā€™s a question: If I give you 50Ā¢ and as a result of that transaction, you owe me $1.00, what interest rate have I charged you? Obviously, Iā€™ve charged you 100% interest and I donā€™t give a ratā€™s ass about you or your kids. Iā€™m pure evil and youā€™re pure stupid. But believe it or not, this kind ...

Weekend Report: Hey! Hey! It's The Monkees!

Back from Computercrashville with a Review of "An Evening with The Monkees" Concert (New Brunswick, NJ). All the way back in August, I promised Cassie for her upcoming and highly anticipated birthdayChristamsNewYear'sSuperBowlanniversaryValentine'sDayGroundHogDay, I would secure, transport and accompany her to the Last Monkees Concert, New Brunswick, NJ (prior to the Real Big Really Last "The Monkees" Concert in NYC). Faithful and True to my word, Friday evening there I was: 20 rows away from Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork and Mickey Dolenz sitting next to the original President of the Official Northern New Jersey "The Monkees" Fan Club, Cassie Wilson. Ms. Wilson was attractively adorned sporting an Exclusive "Davy Jones Memorial" Pendant (imposing plastic heart with "Davy Jones" inscribed across it blinking bright red from her decollage). This signified a status of loyalty and devotion not found on anyone else in the Sold-Out SRO a...