Cold Dead Fingers
Interesting read. Especially the Comments section....
Pull quote---
"How do you know if you are a potential target for immediate elimination once martial law is declared? The short answer is that you cannot be certain. Former NSA agent, the late A.C. Griffith, once stated that we are all assigned a threat matrix score and categorized on the NSA’s ability to track your movements, rate your web surfing habits, track your proximity to other known dissidents through cell phone movement matching and quantitatively and qualitatively monitor your electronic communications. Every one of us has a threat matrix score which is assigned by the NSA."
Pull quote---
"How do you know if you are a potential target for immediate elimination once martial law is declared? The short answer is that you cannot be certain. Former NSA agent, the late A.C. Griffith, once stated that we are all assigned a threat matrix score and categorized on the NSA’s ability to track your movements, rate your web surfing habits, track your proximity to other known dissidents through cell phone movement matching and quantitatively and qualitatively monitor your electronic communications. Every one of us has a threat matrix score which is assigned by the NSA."
One observation: Since the No Such Agency is monitoring everything everywhere all time ("...track your movements, rate your web surfing habits, track your proximity to other known dissidents through cell phone movement matching and quantitatively and qualitatively monitor your electronic communications.") how bright is it to be posting easily traceable ideas, intentions, strategies for SHTF scenarios? Wouldn't anyone with such anti-government Bad Intentions be among the first to take that long bus ride?
All this imaginative theorizing and rumoring rhetoric makes for curious reading .More fascinating, though, are the Comments: "I have a friend whose brother-in-law gets his hair cut by a former electrical engineer and his wife's hairdresser said a customer who used to live in a suburb of Ft. Meade knows an ex-cop who pulled over a guy who told him he was sleeping with an ex-CIA "asset" who told him...well...some really scary shit that I can't mention here."
And no one questions the veracity of the post!
For all the Molon Labe screamers, I have one question: drones?
Yes, "United we stand; divided we fall". But if we all stand united, it takes just one bomb and saves the Bad Guys a lot of expensive ammo.
Finding a remote corner in the mountains of the American Redoubt where water, elk and firewood are plentiful, a dedication to a life of off-the-grid, back-to-basics subsistence is the only near guarantee of survival I can see. If that is the acceptable definition of "survival". Sitting in a 3BR, 2BA HVAC,, w/cable, munching microwaved MREs doesn't seem...realistic, does it?
There seem to be a fair number of folks who really, really, really wanna give the old 2nd Revolution idea a spin; a chance to use the new furniture on the Bushmaster for something other than paper holes and prairie dogs. Maybe they'll get their chance. Maybe it will make a difference. Maybe their resistance will inspire mini-Red Dawn scenarios all around the country.
I do believe, while interesting and educational, swatting elected officials and Joe Citizen with the beautiful words of the Constitution has become as effective as firing a BB gun at a charging rhino.
In any case, I don't think we'll have to wait too long to see that movie...
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