A Different Take
From the Internet to the blog-o-sphere to E-zines to TV
and radio chat shows, there is no shortage of opinions criticizing, ridiculing,
psychoanalyzing our Fearless Leader. While taking different routes of reason, within
acceptable boundaries one could conclude all of them accurate inasmuch as they
share synonymous conclusions: Obama is a stumbling, bumbling fool, in over his
head but with such a colossal ego or other psychologically dysfunctional
handicaps is unable or unwilling to see the folly of his ways, much less accept
the disastrous reality that he has created.
To virtually all the pundits, the Embarrassed
on the Left and Giddy on the right, the upcoming midterm elections will be the
left cross to the right uppercut in 2016 that does away with every socialist
program and its stench that has engulfed and threatened the very existence of
In a recent article, some learned friends of mine tracked
the significant events of the Obama administration - from the so-called “stimulus
“in 2009 to the most recent scandal cum embarrassment, the instantly infamous “Saving
Private Bergdahl” (MAD Magazine) and the 5-for-1 “Wow! What-A-Deal!” deal. With
each individual event, my friends concluded
“Every act, every initiative, every landmark
development is the same. They all have enormous production value. They all
carry massive price tags. And they all fall flat, to say the very least. Everything is for show. Nothing of substance is accomplished.Yet everything
comes at a steep, steep cost.”
Who could
successfully argue the point? For that matter, who could successfully argue
against any of the boat load of opinion pieces that condemn the president for
acting like a king - only in this case, the King of Hubris?
Well…I can.
What if they’re all wrong? What if we are the ones suffering with hubris?
What if we are the fulfillment of
Pogo’s observation: “We have met the enemy - and it is us.”?
In a recent discussion, I raised this
question: What if all that we are witnessing, discussing, condemning is, in
fact, the sum total of the Obama 3 Ring Circus? In fact, to P. T. Barnum’s
famous “there’s a sucker born every minute” line, isn’t it possible - even
probable - Obama & Company are playing us for the “Sucker” role?
Think about it….
While certainly fitting
the diagnosis of blowhard, narcissist, incompetent, sociopath… Couldn't the
reality more accurately be: “No, Sucker, you got the part foolishly thinking we were just out of our league. Fact
is this has been the game plan all along. You remember Alinsky, Cloward, Piven
et al? Didn't I tell you we were going to ‘fundamentally change America’? Didn't I tell you my plan to shut down the coal biz and raise your utility bill?
Don’t you remember ‘you can keep your doctor and health care plan. Period.’? Transparency? Hell, I've been telegraphing every one of my punches since my first stump
speech. The ones that didn't land? OK…a little embarrassing…but, hey - I just
shrugged it off, said SQUIRREL! and my friends in the press did the rest…along
with your own ADD, of course”
So why isn't that the
plan? Not part of the “popular narrative”? Contradicts the All-American
Rule of Law Paradigm? For someone who
routinely complains about a recalcitrant Congress and then rips off a few
executive orders circumventing it, why would a reasonably objective analysis
not lead to the conclusion this guy has a lot more unpleasant surprises up his
sleeve? After all, who is going to stop him? Congress doesn't have the
necessary body parts or legal apparatus to effectively move against him. Even
if they did, any substantive legal action would have to be taken by Attorney
General Eric “Waco Whitewash” Holder. When you consider Klapper, Sebelius,
Lerner, Clinton and the rest of the Obama outlaws flipping off Congressional
subpoenas and Contempt charges, roaming the streets with impunity, would you
face palm yourself bloody in surprise if the AG was just “too busy to get
around to it”? Even if Boehner/ Pelosi/Reid/McConnel allowed the Congressional
process to move accordingly? Well?
Anyone? Buehler?
Between Bush’s
Patriot Act to the NDAA and now Holder’s just announced “war” on “domestic terrorists” via The
Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee, what Congressional committee, law,
rule, regulation or any legal plumbing
would prevent Obama from declaring martial law at the drop of an ASP Baton? Black swan
event? Acid indigestion? By using the
Administration’s patented “Ignore Button”, all the lousy ratings in all the
public opinion polls have not adjusted his course one wit. So “public opinion”
is a big nonstarter. Petitions? Face Book pages? Letters to
Congressman/Senators/Editorial Boards? All as deadly and effective as a water
balloon on an elephant hunt.
With everyone
unilaterally tossing in the towel by chalking up the demise of America to a former
“community organizer” with a lousy personality, psychological dysfunction and superior
incompetence, I think there is ample proof for a contrary and, yes, accurate
conclusion. People are indeed connecting the dots but the picture that’s coming
into their focus is Alfred E Newman.
I’m seeing Dorian Gray.
Great piece!