Another Facebook encounter

The latest in an occasional series of Facebook post encounters....

In an on-line discussion, I suggested "Greed" was merely an emotive attack word used to compromise pro-capitalism/free market arguments; that it is impossible to define without imposing subjective opinion, resulting in the following exchange...

  • Brian Wilson Define "greed"....
  • Scott Moell CEO making 6-7 figures plus bonus.... Everyone wants to take more n more. More than they need to even live comfortably, while 130+ hard loyal workers just getting by are losing their job... and IMO if you have to ask what greed is or to define it you are part of the problem.... Soldiers putting their life on the  line so you can live free while asshats in office are making 6+ figures a year..... Or pro athletes making millions a year.... Need me to explain more. N sure you'll  throw your judgement at me as whatever but I come from a wealthy family grew up spoiled n greedy now I despise it. Ppl destroy ppl over money something that has no value in the big picture.... You can't take that fat wallet with you. Guess to sum it up greed is 90% of population u want to see it look in the mirror.... 

    Grasping on to anything materialistic is a form of greed..... 

  • Brian Wilson @Scott Moell Who are you to declare what anyone "needs"? What is "live comfortably"? Because you define it one way, how does that deny someone else from defining it differently? Or are you the sole arbiter of Good, Bad or "Greedy"? Greed is an emotive code word, an undefinable pejorative used by the Envy class. To wit: you can't post a cogent response without ad hominens and snarky comments - which simply means you have -0- intellectual ammo to respond to a simple question. "Throw your judgement at me"? Why not? That's all you're doing - or do you reserve "judging" as your personal purview?

     "Grasping on to anything materialistic is a form of greed." - based on semantics and reality is indefensibly stupid. Try for objective analysis, logic, reason and a better vocabulary. I'll wait...........

That was 2 months ago. Still waiting....


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