
Showing posts from 2016

Which Way Do You Run?

Among the ironies in this video, people around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace ; voted three times more dangerous than any other country. The data confirm this conclusion:

This wasn’t an election. It was a revolution.

It’s midnight in America. The day before fifty million Americans got up and stood in front of the great iron wheel that had been grinding them down. They stood there even though the media told them it was useless. They took their stand even while all the chattering classes laughed and taunted them. They were fathers who couldn’t feed their families anymore.

A Vote for Treason

It has taken several months and a number of email dumps from Wikileaks to finally figure out what this presidential election is all about. There are only two ways to vote, for Donald Trump or for Hillary Clinton. But neither of those are what one would be voting for.

Banana Republic Here We Come

There is little difference remaining between the United States and a Banana Republic. What differentiated us from so many countries was our Constitution and our legal system. The Constitution prevented government from overstepping boundaries, at least for a while. The Rule of Law meant that all citizens would have the same rights and expectations regarding how contracts and misbehavior would be treated.

Quote WIthout Comment

On saying the Pledge of Allegiance: Sorry - I already pledged my allegiance to my Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. I have no allegiance left for a piece of brightly colored cloth and repetitive incantations lauding a Freedom destroying oligarchy trying to disguise itself as a "republic". If one sincerely believes in an omniscient, loving Supreme Being, the postulation that it somehow favors an entity so monumentally destructive should be nauseating....

Mencken again

Thought for the Daze Morality is doing what’s right regardless of what you’re told. Obedience is doing what you’re told regardless of what is right. - H.L. Mencken

Another Facebook Exchange

XXXX In my eyes he's [Johnson] the only logical choice. Just my opinion Brian Wilson Jake Nelson "In my eyes he's the only logical choice." Actually - if you dare argue "logic" - the answer is unequivocally "don't vote at all". If you maintain you are for Libertarian "self government", then voting for a " ruler" with the power to inflict the immoral Force of Government upon you is either terminally stupid or remarkably hypocritical - but it is no way "logical".

Orwell's Final Warning

Click here

Thought for the Days

The persistent existence of Liberals is due to their immunity to any infection of intelligence that will cure their Aggressive Ignorance. When faced with irrefutable facts, Liberals cling to their indefensible opinions the same way they ridicule Conservatives “clinging to their guns and Bibles”. The significant difference being Conservatives are principally motivated to defend their inalienable right to Life, Liberty and Happiness. In contrast, the Liberals’ minds are in permanent lockdown, thoroughly resistant to any reasoned enlightenment that threatens their oppressive worldview of entitlement to authority and power over others into subservience through unbridled, aggressive force. - Brian Wilson

Free Movie

Clinton Cash, a feature documentary based on the Peter Schweizer book, has been posted to YouTube for all to view free just in time for the DNC. Clinton Cash investigates how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with over $2 billion in donations to their foundation.

The Doctor is In

The diagnosis is complete: the I’s have it. Laboratory results: America’s metastasizing societal insolvency is being led via the generational infection of the “Four I’s”: Igorance, Incompetence, Indiffernce and Indulgence evidenced by the following symptomatic warning signs:

Couple questions, Judge

Anyone following this site likely knows of my long-standing professional and personal friendship with FOX News Senior Judicial Analyst, Judge Andrew Napolitano. We recently enjoyed a celebratory dinner toasting 4 years of "Judging Freedom", a podcast that has appeared on this and several other web sites. Today (7/21/16), the Judge published one of his popular "Socratic" pieces in which he poses questions that have answers that are - or should be - obvious to anyone paying attention regarding the recent inaction of the FBI and DOJ to indict former SoS Hillary Clinton.

The End is Near-er

Pull quote: "Being wealthy used to be a virtue worthy of widespread aspiration. Now it’s met with skepticism and derision. Similarly, intellectual dissent used to be embraced. Now it’s increasingly considered “hate speech” that must be banished from university campuses and their infantile ‘safe spaces’.

Consent of the Governed?

Mr. Higgs eloquently expands on one of my previous posts. BW What gives some people the right to rule others? At least since John Locke’s time, the most common and seemingly compelling answer has been “ the consent of the governed .” When the North American revolutionaries set out to justify their secession from the British Empire, they declared, among other things: “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.” This sounds good, especially if one doesn’t think about it very hard or very long, but the harder and longer one thinks about it, the more problematic it becomes.

The Black Visa

I have arrived! None other than Mariana Kissam, Director, Customer Experience sent me a personal invitation to apply for the Visa Black Card! This is a Very. Big. Deal.

FBI lies

Note: The author, Hugh Turley, is one of the 3 leading experts on the Vince Foster murder. We became friends while I was hosting a talk show on DC's WWRC. Since the earliest news reports, Hugh, "confidential informant" Patrick Knowlton and attorney John H. Clarke, have diligently followed and exposed every aspect of the murder, including the failures, harassment and duplicity of Park Police, FBI, coroners, forensic "experts", Senators, Congressmen, reporters and the news media. While sordid and convoluted, their combined diligence resulted in revelations and vindications.

About Orlando...

"The reality is that terrorist attacks of small and medium scale are likely to become a monthly or weekly occurrence in the U.S. and the EU as we close in on the end of the year. Get used to the idea, because this problem is not going to go away while our own governments are aiding and even funding the very psychopaths that they are supposed to be protecting people from." Brandon Smith's compelling article here.

Thought for the Day

Power does not self-generate. It is the toxic amalgam of a strain of deleterious human failings. Government itself is the manifestation of immoral force administered by liars, thieves and sociopaths. At best, it is the pavement of good intentions. If power doesn't corrupt, why has their never been an uncorrupted government? Since Government is merely a magnet for the socially reprehensible and criminally insane, sane people should be rejecting nonsense like "elections" and working instead to dispel any form of "government" - for their own safety and welfare.

On a historical note...

We already have a law banning any one who really doesn't intend to follow the American way of life and our laws that have been in place since 1952. Doesn't anyone in Washington know this? Here's an interesting historic fact that would seem to indicate that many, if not most, of the people we elect to go to Washington don't have the slightest idea of what laws already exist. It's been law for over 60 years...! Interesting Bit of Legislative History: MacCarran Walter Act of 1952 Donald Trump was recently severely criticized for suggesting that the U.S. should limit or temporarily suspend the immigration of certain ethnic groups, nationalities, and even people of certain religions (Muslims). The criticisms condemned such a suggestion as, among other things, being “Un-American,” dumb, stupid, reckless, dangerous, and racist. Congressmen and Senators swore that they would never allow such legislation, and the president called such a prohibition on immigration unc...

The Cult of Ignorance

We have fallen into the bad and unquestioned habit of thinking that our educational system is broken, but it is working on all cylinders. What our educational system aims to produce is cultural amnesia, a wholesale lack of curiosity, history-less free agents, and educational goals composed of content-free processes and unexamined buzz-words like "critical thinking," "diversity," "ways of knowing," "social justice," and "cultural competence." A most excellent article. Read it here.


  Free people are not equal.  Equal people are not free.     (Think this one over and over…makes sense!)             "A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."     The definition of the word Conundrum is: something that is puzzling or confusing.     Here are six Conundrums of socialism in the United States of America :        1. America is capitalist and greedy - yet half of the population is subsidized.             2. Half of the population is subsidized - yet they think they are victims.             3. They think they are victims - yet their representatives run the government.             ...

Going To The Bathroom

My guess is that Donald doesn't use all that many public toilets, but if he thinks there has been so little trouble so far, just wait. We all may be wading in it to our ankles soon enough. Donald, like many of us, may not embrace the idea of discretionary restrooms and showers, but we tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. The reality of our situation is however different from our idealized perceptions. What was a rare occurrence will now become demonstrable, just as we have seen with most of these type issues. They will be lining up to see exactly how far they can push this. It is not about tolerance or even acceptance. It is about forced capitulation, a demand that we surrender our values for theirs...under penalty of law. Europeans were proud in their values of tolerance and acceptance and obviously bent over backwards to not only accommodate extremely diverse cultures, but embrace them. In return they now find their good will as an on ramp for immigrants to flood into th...

A Year Later (Review)

( Originally published: March 4, 2015 ) Slouching Toward Extinction With all the Cheers and Jeers of C-PAC 2015 fading into Yesterday’s News, let us carpe the diem to add to the growing list of oxymoronic fantasies in desperate need of extinction, a term heard early and often whenever conservatives and libertarians congregate: “Limited Government”. Like “settled science”, the Tooth Fairy and Honest Politicians, not only is there no such thing, there never has been. The utter nonsense that a piece of parchment, even inscribed with swell ideas, can successfully “limit” the Leviathan, i.e. Big Government has been proven ludicrous for 226 years; considerably longer if we include all recorded human history. Like Shelley’s Dr. Frankenstein, the Bush and Obama administrations brought to life Government as “a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” Constitutional “protection” of our natural rights from Government trampling has morphed from an American ideal fortified by the Rule of Law into a...

How it happened...

I was not born an anarchist. Like everyone else of my time and place I was born into a culture pervaded by statism and unquestioning acceptance of the state’s existence and of most if not all of its activities, including, of course, its blessed wars. I did not become an anarchist later because of an encounter, whether personal or literary, in which I suddenly saw the light. I had no Pauline road-to-Damascus experience. Instead, anarchism crept up on me, almost against my will, because I understood full-well that adopting such an ideology would entail my colleague’s, friends’, and relatives’ consignment of me to the lunatic fringe. Besides, as a well-trained social scientist, I was familiar with a variety of objections and challenges to anarchism having to do with both its desirability and its feasibility. Eventually, however, little by little I seamlessly made the transition to anarchism as my adopted ideology, completing my journey perhaps fifteen or twenty years ago. This outcome ...

Quotes From Other Folks Vol.7

Presenting the latest crop of quotes harvested from free range Internet denizens on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and Social Media. From the Righteous to the Ridiculous, Insightful to Insane, Visionary to Myopic and Genius to Jerk, prepare to be appalled, amazed and amused. You might even see one of yours….! Quote of the Week: Luck ‏ - Twitter Feel bad for the #UNC Seniors. Leaving without both a championship or literacy skills. And these… You can't argue or debate with ignorance. Ann Nonnymus If that is what passes for your “thinking”, you are indeed a weapon of self- destruction. – BW - FB The blatherings of John Kasich could make an onion cry. Buttocks Awry - FB Getting University Types with Impressive Initials attached to their names to write brainy-sounding endorsements, objections, rationalizations in support of one side or the other is one of the oldest trysts in the book. BW - FB Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Li...

The Picture Is Coming Into Focus

From my blog entry Dec. 29, 2015 “2016 Predictions”: My third prediction is we will not have an election next year. Between New Year’s Day and Election Day, the president will declare martial law. With the Constitution suspended, the presidential election will be on hold until further notice. – Observing Obama through the campaign and into his administration, it quickly became obvious - to me anyway, this is a guy who wants to be Emperor, a King, Dictator for life. He was going to have to be dragged him out kicking and screaming - or carried out feet first. Whatever the case, he does not intend to go gently into that Good Night of former president-hood. How will this happen? Well, that was a problem. It takes a lotta guts, an absence of brains or an abundance of concern for the future of Freedom to make public predictions that not just challenge the popular narrative but even contradict the current paradigm. Look what happened to otherwise admired, intelligent people who didn’t s...

The Blood-Drenched Monster

"One cannot love what America once was and love what it has become. A revolution, peaceful or otherwise, that does not put America’s redemption at the forefront of its aspirations is a revolution not worth fighting." Why not? Read the  Excellent Robert Gore piece here

Quotes From Other Folks - Vol 5

Presenting the latest crop of quotes harvested from free range Internet denizens on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and the jungle of Social Media. From the Righteous to the Ridiculous, Insightful to Insane, Visionary to Myopic and Genius to Jerk, prepare to be appalled, amazed and amused. You might even see one of yours….! Quote of the Week "America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe And these… You did not lose an hour of sleep last night. Bernie Sanders took it and gave it to someone who needed it more than you. FB Meme Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. - JFK Well I spent about 5 hours with Trumpsters and anit trumpsters. I never didn find anyone who really knew anything about Trump or why they liked him. The anti Trump Blacks matter folks were dumb as that pile of horse shit I interviewed. All in all I feel a deep sense of "Oh shi...

The Evil of Two Lessers

A flogger for Glenn Beck’s The Blaze,  Matt Walsh , unsurprisingly makes his case against voting for Trump by reminding readers of all the names he’s called him over the last few months:  “ …a conman, a tyrant, a pathological liar, a flamboyant despot, a fraudster, a big government liberal, progressive in a very poorly fitting and unconvincing conservative costume, a Planned Parenthood apologist, an unrepentant philanderer, a crook, a creep, a fascist with a spray tan, a reality TV Mussolini, a Caligula with bad hair, etc. ”  While there may be accurate charges folded in among the ad homonyms, calling someone names exposes an adolescent weakness in most any argument.Wardrobe, spray tan, bad hair, have nothing to do Governance or political arguments. It feels good - but lowers Walsh to the Trump level he excoriates. Why? Trump loses on enough points so as to make his tailor,barber and cosmetologist irrelevant. Cheap shots turn a shotgun into a water pistol. ...

My Vote

Maybe if I post it here, the phone will stop ringing, the mailbox will un-clog and everyone who really really wants to know will….know. Actually, I’m really excited about my guy! Can’t say I’ve ever been this stoked about a candidate! How could anyone not be? Unlike Trump, he has definitive, articulate plans for the future; Unlike Rubio, he has no checkered “Gang of 8” or other skeletons in his closet; Unlike Cruz, he has never flip-flopped on essential issues of Freedom nor does his wife work for Goldman-Sachs; Unlike Dr. Carson, he has zero surgical skills but does posses a dynamic personality and excellent speaking skills;  Unlike Kasich, my guy has a brain, respect for the individual and eschews making Judo hand gestures when speaking; my guy’s father was not a mailman. The person I’m voting for has always been courteous and responsive to my queries and honestly concerned about my concerns for the future and my family; He has demonstrated fiscal responsibility, the financia...

Quotes From Other Folks Vol. 4

Quotes From Other Folks, Vol. 4 Presenting the latest crop of quotes harvested from free range Internet denizens on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and the jungle of Social Media. From the Righteous to the Ridiculous, Insightful to Insane, Visionary to Myopic and Genius to Jerk, prepare to be appalled, amazed and amused. You might even see one of yours….! Quote of the Week: You cannot believe that, "all men are created equal" and support the State. The State creates two classes, by definition: 1) rulers, and 2) serfs. Whether the rulers appointed, elected, or usurp or inherit their powers is irrelevant. Their power is illegitimate. And these…

Quotes from Other Folks -Vol. 3

Presenting the latest crop of quotes harvested from free range Internet denizens on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and the jungle of Social Media. From the Righteous to the Ridiculous, Insightful to Insane, Visionary to Myopic and Genius to Jerk, prepare to be appalled, amazed and amused. You might even see one of yours….! Quote of the Week Award: If trump is for real, he will be killed.                                                                                       Ocean22  And these… GHANDI: "I will fast and die if need be, until all the violence ends." GLENN B: "I will go on a weight loss program for my candidate, won't you join me?" Okienomics                 (Re Bernie Sanders) Two coworkers voted f...

Quotes From Other Folks Vol. 2

Lest We Forget - or For Those Who Never Knew

When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over a health care reform. Even after threats and intimidation , she couldn’t even get a vote in a democratic controlled congress. This fiasco cost the American taxpayers about $13 million in cost for studies, promotion, and other efforts. Then President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood – both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration. Next she chose Janet Reno – husband Bill described her selection as “my worst mistake.” Some may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of deaths of women and children. Husband Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the head of the Civil Rights Commission. Lani  Guinier  was her selection. When a little probing led to the discovery of Ms.  Gui...