
Showing posts from 2019

From The Next President

To any aspiring Democratic politician: If you'd like to be President one day --  Maybe soon --  Put the following in a full page ad in the WaPo, get yourself booked on some talk shows and read this:  An Open Letter from a Democratic Politician to all Democratic Politicians My fellow Democrats ā€“ Let's face it; we blew it. Lead by Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Schiff and Chairman Nadler, these past 3 years we have conducted ourselves in a way that has severely divided America. Continuing with this impeachment hoax ā€“ and it is a hoax and we all know it - will only destroy the Democratic Party and impugn all the great principles we once stood for. Our Leadership ā€“ and our so-called 'friends' in the media ā€“ have strongly encouraged, even threatened us, if did not 'toe the line'. As a result, regardless of where you're from or how long you've been in office, very few of us will be returning after the coming elections. We have only one choice to save Ameri...

The Elite Controllers

The following excellent article, written by my friend, Gary Barnett, first appeared at BW This once great country of America has gone through many changes, and these changes, while implemented by the design of its true rulers, are not understood by the huddled masses that have been taught to accept mediocrity as desired normalcy. The ruling class fully understands that the only way to control people, and to finally control the world, is to stifle individual excellence by creating a society that refuses to think. This has been accomplished through planned conflict, the instilling of fear, the total control of education by the puppet state, by building dependence through public welfare, and by dominating most all positions of power in a myriad of state, corporate, and important intellectual appointments. ā€œAt its root, the logic is that of the Grand Inquisitor, who bitterly assailed Christ for offering people freedom and thus condemning them to misery. The Ch...

Simple Question; Simple Answer

There is a profound difference between natural Stupidity and aggressive Ignorance. One can't be helped or blamed on the victim; the other, a willful, spiteful, self-destructive choice freely made. With that distinction in mind, consider: Sunday, on FOX's Journal Editorial Report, host Paul Gigot, and 3 other like-minded comrades blustered, bloviated and pontificated about President Trump's now nearly-famous Tweet concerning ex-ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, tweeted while she was "testifying" before the so-called 'Impeachment Hearing' at the time. The four Brainiacs couldn't argue with the accurate content of the Tweet, but still found a way to pan it bigly, blathering on about how rude, bad, destructive, unnecessary it was. They ended the segment wondering aloud "Why does he continue to do it?" hinting it must be some serious congenital problem. Here's the Simple Question part: How can the root cause for the daily serving of...

The Sheep, The Wolf and Dr. Paul

How many times, how many headlines, how many articles have been written ā€“ maybe even read - about the monstrous disaster waiting to befall Americans when the Mother of All (Financial) Bubbles bursts? To say such pieces speak as "warnings" is the Mommy of all Understatements. True as they are, these facts are barely reported is just as true, likely because the Average Reader is near totally ignorant, dis-interested and bored by anything that smacks of serious economic analysis of the Federal Reserve, Quantitative Easing, GDP, Negative Interest Rates, Unfunded Entitlements and other terms common to Money Talk. Readership and ratings are too important risk. The time and effort it would take readers to scale the Learning Curve of Economics is too steep. This is football season! There is holiday shopping! Here's a good example of the serious issue of our current economic status and instability which isn't taken too seriously by serious Americans unknowingly facing the co...

What To Expect - and Why

Shining a Light on the Sociopaths in Politics   There are at least seven characteristics that define a sociopath, although Iā€™m sure the list could be extended: Sociopaths completely lack a conscience or any capacity for real regret about hurting people. Although they pretend the opposite. Sociopaths put their own desires and wants on a totally different level from those of other people. Their wants are incommensurate. They truly believe their ends justify their means. Although they pretend the opposite.     Sociopaths consider themselves superior to everyone else, because they arenā€™t burdened by the emotions and ethics others have ā€“ theyā€™re above all that. Theyā€™re arrogant. Although they pretend the opposite. Sociopaths never accept the slightest responsibility for anything that goes wrong, even though theyā€™re responsible for almost everything that goes wrong. Youā€™ll never hear a sincere apology from them. Sociopaths have a lopsided notion of property righ...

A(nother) Warning!

" Hopefully others will remedy the error of silence and choose to speak out .ā€ Anonymous In response and in harmony with the above plaintive exhortation, I offer the following as I am A. Nonny Moose, Too. While not currently a "senior Trump administration official", you will also hear [sic] a great deal from me and other highly-placed officials. But mostly from me. Like my alleged predecessor, it's the great upside of being A. Nonny Moose, Too. No one really knows if s/he/them or I actually exist. Kinda like the famed "Whistleblower", we just may be a pigment [sic] of Atom Schifty's oh-so-fertile imagination! Just sayin'ā€¦ We read "ā€¦ there is no better witness to [Trump's] character than his own words and no better evidence of the danger he poses than his own conductā€¦ā€ . And there is no better way to distribute character assassination and general misanthropy either, than via the questionable attribution from Someone Unknown to So...

Everything You Need To Know...

...about the current insanity. Robert Gore is one of the blog world's best scribblers; not only in style but in substance. For a clear, concise summary of how we got here, read his excellent piece below. BW Imagine an announcement to the populace: We rule you and every aspect of your life. Your wishes, desires, and plans are immaterial to us. You will do as we tell you or you will be severely punished or eliminated. Our sole end is power and we will be its corrupt and criminal beneficiaries. You are our slaves. Imagine that the announcement was not met with outrage and resistance, only quiet acceptance, even approval. The regime has disclosed the horrifying truth about itself, and nobody protests or cares. It has rendered the truth irrelevant. What future disclosure could threaten it in any way? Finish it here

About That 'Gun Control' Thing

FB Friend Don Cooper posted this succinct and factual piece. If you are 'pro gun', his logical deliniation may come in handy. If you are of the 'anti-gun' group, you might want to read and consider this with as open a mind as you can muster. BW Even good people get emotional and do irrational things sometimes. Irrationality is a part of our humanity, there's nothing we can do about it. Some believe that's why guns should not be readily available to people. At first this seems reasonable but after closer examination the even more dangerous consequences become apparent. The first problem is that any laws restricting gun ownership will be enforced by law enforcers with guns. People just as vulnerable to emotional, irrational acts. Who's going to police the police? We see horrendous acts of violence every day by the king's men on unarmed people. Secondly, history has shown us that the path to tyranny is paved with an imbalance of weapons. First the s...

Fair Warning

A compelling, informative and downright frightening article about the (near) future of firearms ownership and the elimination of the protection of the 2nd Amendment. Share with your friends. BW You probably think Facebook and Google are throwing off geysers of money by dominating an industry known as ā€œonline advertisingā€, but those of us whoā€™ve spent time on the inside of this beast know the industry by its true name: mass behavior modification. Itā€™s only a matter of time before these two companies openly go on the attack against American gun ownership, and when they do, theyā€™ll form a foe far greater than any weā€™ve faced before. If you donā€™t believe that they can turn the tide of public opinion on firearms, a tide that lately seems to be going in our favor, then youā€™re not paying attention. Pay Attention here

Term Limits: The Only Way It Can Work

Just as used to be said about the weather: "Everybody talks about it but no one does anything about it!" So it is with Term Limits, the quaint notion that will keep politicians from becoming wealthy, lazy, hypocritical, perpetually elected criminals along with their standard psychopathic issues. "Quaint notion" because in order to become Law, the very ones who will be adversely effected must vote for it. Any such solution requiring the force of a law is DOA; career suicide is a non-starter in every occupation I can think of. But how about this: a local ā€˜citizenā€™s groupsā€™ comprised of the candidatesā€™ constituents who demand everyone in the race take a Forensic Audit Oath comparing their net worth prior to running and prior to running for re-election? The Candidate will be required to explain the sources of any sudden increases during his term. Along with being absolutely local registered voters, the group would have to be dedicated energetic activists, sufficientl...

Red Flag Laws. This is what will happen...

Itā€™s a Sunday night and your family has all gone to bed. You let the dogs back in and lock the deadbolt like you do every night. All the lights are off now except a couple of night lights scattered throughout the house leaving that dim glow throughout your home. Itā€™s bedtime and work and school are going to come early in the morning. You crawl in bed, kiss your wife and drift off to sleep being thankful for the air conditioning that allows you to pull that heavy quilt up over your shoulder despite the fact itā€™s still 85 degrees outside. A few hours pass... 0200 Monday morning and your wife taps your leg and says, ā€œbaby I heard something outsideā€. As you sit up in bed you hear the dog growling in the living room and you know something isnā€™t right. You grab that trusty ole 870 and head into the living room. Your wife grabs her 9mm and heads down the hall to the kids rooms just like you have rehearsed. ā€œGood boyā€ you say as you enter the living room, trying to calm both the dog and ...

The crime of noticing

Itā€™s all too prevalent, this ā€œcrimeā€ of noticing. You start looking at things. Digging into statistics. Monitoring trends. Delving more deeply into the historical accounts and data. Pattern recognition becomes ever more the norm. You canā€™t un-see what youā€™ve seen or un-know what you now know. It bothers you, but it also awakens you. Thatā€™s your first mistake. The second is that you start to verbalize what youā€™ve noticed. The information you have seen. The wider context. The connections. The ongoing, consistent reality that certain people, certain groups are disproportionately a part of whatā€™s happening, whatever that may be. Itā€™s not just some narrative being spun, but facts. Unavoidable, inexorably linked facts. Something one avoids only if he consciously refuses to break free from the accepted position, the norm. The overarching belief that must never be questioned. Yet, when you verbalize it, when you write it down for others to see, youā€™re told youā€™re overstati...

Michelle O runs for Prez?

Beyond merely "announcing", she wouldn't have to say a word of substance. Her surrogates and the MSM would do it all for her. Black, Female, Liberal - the 2020 Trifecta. Anything Trump might say in contradiction to any policy would be flamed as racist for 3 news cycles. Mag covers, TV appearances, fawning "editorials" would flood the media everywhere creating a "world consensus". Any opposition would similarly be cast as racist and homophobic. Any organized activist opposition would see the inside of the Emergency Room. OTOH, the O's have a damn cushy life. Why leave it to return to the DC Swamp and Maelstrom? Only HRC has been so virulently and pathologically power-mad to push it. But then... power corrupts... Brian Wilson

My Vote This Time

Maybe if I post it here, the phone will stop ringing, the mailbox will unclog and everyone who really really wants to know willā€¦.know. Actually, Iā€™m really excited about my guy! Canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever been this stoked about a candidate! How could anyone not be? Unlike the Dems, he has definitive, articulate plans for the future; Unlike Warren, he has no doubts about his lineage; Unlike Biden, he has never flip-flopped on essential issues, plagurized someone else's work, does push-ups, has had a face life or sports hair plugs; Unlike Kamala Harris, he became a success the old fashioned way: he earned it. While standing upright. Unlike Spartacus, while born in New Jersey, he is not delusional, minds his manners and maintains a full head of hair; Unlike Bernie Sanders, he is unlike Bernie Sanders; The same can be said for the rest of the Democratic Wanna-Be's. The person Iā€™m voting for has always been courteous and responsive to my queries and honestly concerned about my concerns ...

Simple Fact; Simple Truth

Government is a criminal farce.  Why subject yourself to it, much less believe it's going to make your life better?  It isn't.  It won't. It can't.  And it doesn't want to. Brian Wilson

Power Corrupts

Lord Acton is famous for his proclamation that ā€œPower corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.ā€ Personally, I prefer ā€œabsolutely power corruptsā€ or just ā€œpower corrupts absolutely.ā€ Either captures the reality that power, no matter how small, is always abused and always grows. Power is an aphrodisiac but one that never satisfies.

More Than Yelling "STOP"

A recent dust-up over conservatismā€™s goals and methods was triggered by public libraries promoting drag queens to kids , which, if this Vice report is accurate , is not very dissimilar to the sexualization of kids in Afghanistan , where young boys are dressed as women to dance and are sexually abused by pedophiles.

The Logic of Freedom vs the Ignorance of Statists

"So you hate cops and government" No, I don't like bullies and thieves, not just cops and government. "But you have no problem enjoying the freedoms this country's police, military and government provide."

Another Facebook Encounter

LXX FXXX Hard to "work together" when the final objectives for each [Party] are polar opposites. One is based on what you received is based on production, the other based solely on your need. The former is dependent upon the latter, why kill the goose? Socialist ideas do nothing to create more but only justify why others should receive more of what they don't themselves produce.  Brian Wilson I dunno about "polar opposites". All governments and - isms exist to dominate, enslave and force "citizens" into some form of pre-determined existence solely to serve the State. However, accomplished economically is academic. In the end, you pay and obey. That ain't Freedom.


Set aside your prejudices, bias, preconceived notions and media hype.  Objectively consider:... His 8 years of living in the White House is over. Heā€™s (mostly ) gone ... but questions remain . .

Socialism and the Epidemic of Ignorance

The Big Debate among all the Brainiacs these days (Real, Faux, Wishful, Self-Anointed): Will Socialism and its Simplistic Sycophants be successful here in the bastion of (crony) Capitalism, America? From FOX to C-SPAN, WaPo to NYT, Conservative pundits pound the podium prognosticating "NEVER"! They slice and dice the Russians (of course), the "Chi-Coms" (Limbaugh varietals), Little Rocket Man, Maduro, Bernie and AOC with an admonition from noted political critics Rocky and Bullwinkle: " That trick never works !".

A Former Life

Once upon a a galaxy long ago and far away...


The article below was forwarded by my friend, Richard Arrowwood, purveyor of the remarkable Amapola Creek family of award-winning wines. He asked me to give it a read and share my observations. Unable to locate an internet source for - "Fodder" ā€“ I will assume the author is Senator Pat Toomey, (R), PA.*

Gillette, Toxic Masculinity and the F Word

The Gillette " Toxic Masculinity " commercial not-so-subtle lecturing men (their primary clientele) about being Kinder, Gentler Wussies the company says they should be is rapidly fading into the dust of  Catholics and Indians, yesterday's news. But before the Forgettable is actually forgotten, here are a couple hardly-mentioned observations about why this TV spot got its embarrassing 15 minutes of fame.

Coming Soon...

Yes - the End of the World is Coming Soon - but not now. According to my indelible calculations, we still have at least a few hours left before Technicolor cataclysmic events ruin th What's coming sooner is...( wait for it). .. The Big Pod .