
Showing posts from August, 2019

Red Flag Laws. This is what will happen...

It’s a Sunday night and your family has all gone to bed. You let the dogs back in and lock the deadbolt like you do every night. All the lights are off now except a couple of night lights scattered throughout the house leaving that dim glow throughout your home. It’s bedtime and work and school are going to come early in the morning. You crawl in bed, kiss your wife and drift off to sleep being thankful for the air conditioning that allows you to pull that heavy quilt up over your shoulder despite the fact it’s still 85 degrees outside. A few hours pass... 0200 Monday morning and your wife taps your leg and says, “baby I heard something outside”. As you sit up in bed you hear the dog growling in the living room and you know something isn’t right. You grab that trusty ole 870 and head into the living room. Your wife grabs her 9mm and heads down the hall to the kids rooms just like you have rehearsed. “Good boy” you say as you enter the living room, trying to calm both the dog and ...

The crime of noticing

It’s all too prevalent, this “crime” of noticing. You start looking at things. Digging into statistics. Monitoring trends. Delving more deeply into the historical accounts and data. Pattern recognition becomes ever more the norm. You can’t un-see what you’ve seen or un-know what you now know. It bothers you, but it also awakens you. That’s your first mistake. The second is that you start to verbalize what you’ve noticed. The information you have seen. The wider context. The connections. The ongoing, consistent reality that certain people, certain groups are disproportionately a part of what’s happening, whatever that may be. It’s not just some narrative being spun, but facts. Unavoidable, inexorably linked facts. Something one avoids only if he consciously refuses to break free from the accepted position, the norm. The overarching belief that must never be questioned. Yet, when you verbalize it, when you write it down for others to see, you’re told you’re overstati...

Michelle O runs for Prez?

Beyond merely "announcing", she wouldn't have to say a word of substance. Her surrogates and the MSM would do it all for her. Black, Female, Liberal - the 2020 Trifecta. Anything Trump might say in contradiction to any policy would be flamed as racist for 3 news cycles. Mag covers, TV appearances, fawning "editorials" would flood the media everywhere creating a "world consensus". Any opposition would similarly be cast as racist and homophobic. Any organized activist opposition would see the inside of the Emergency Room. OTOH, the O's have a damn cushy life. Why leave it to return to the DC Swamp and Maelstrom? Only HRC has been so virulently and pathologically power-mad to push it. But then... power corrupts... Brian Wilson