The Wearing of the Green

FYI - Regular visitors know I occasionally post articles from other pundit pals who scribble something of particular worth; this is one of them. I have known, worked and shared efforts with L. Neil Smith for 30+ years. R emarkably, d espite a shared philosophy, correspondence and several phone conversations, we have never met; as long as there is a TSA, we won't. Regardless, I remain an admirer of his mind at work, especially when put to print. The following is a compelling example... BW For something like 850 years, the British held the Irish against their will. So stubborn was the Irish desire for independence that their conquerors attempted to stamp out Irish culture, banning their language, their music, their native dress, even hanging, drawing, and quartering men who flaunted the Irish color -- green -- and throwing women wearing green to the troops. They even wanted to forbid the shamrock, a species of clover, from being worn. In the long run, the ...