A Short FB Exchange

De Per something Machiavelli points out repeatedly Discourses is that liberty actually works very well, both for the ruled and the rulers, men just don't believe that, and cowardly choose tyranny, with terrible results. Tyrants are regularly slain. Just rulers tend to live quite a long time and produce great results. You just have to show the courage to accept and acknowledge there are things you can and shouldn't control. Reply Brian Wilson <<liberty actually works very well, both for the ruled and the rulers>> Kinda oxymoronic, isn't it? Those 'ruled' only receive the 'liberty' the 'rulers' pemit- and they 'permit' it thru Force which negates Liberty. <<...show the courage to accept and acknowledge there are things you can't and shouldn't control. >> Those are my decisions to make - or not - as a Free Individual enjoying Liberty, not forced upon me by the subjective standards of an imposed tyrant, good or...