Tucker Carlson – The Last Word

If you are not Tucker Carlson, please shut up. Typical of the MSM ‘brand’ of ‘reporting’, the avalanche of stories about the sudden ouster of cable’s Heavyweight Champ is littered – no, loaded – no, larded up with all the usual suspects and everyone knows their names: Anonymous Source, A FOX News source, 8 Other Sources, Someone Close to the Situation, People Familiar With The Matter, Someone Unable to Speak Publicly, A Friend Who Wants To Remain Anonymous, A Source Briefed on the Situation. Their (alleged) insistence to be ‘off the record’ instantly imposes a guarantee of low-octane credibility. “Why” is the most vital component of the Who, What, When, Where, and Why formula behind news stories. News consumers want to know about Carlson’s firing, but after that’s out of the way, they want to know why. An editor either instructs his reporters to find a source who can supply the why, or he allows reporters to pepper their copy with anonymous sources because it makes it look like they’ve...